Tag Archives: soup spoon cafe

“Curating Roots: The Art of the Local Food Movement in Lansing” Opening

Join us on to celebrate the opening reception of MICA Gallery’s newest exhibit Curating Roots: The Art of the Local Food Movement in Lansing. This exhibit explores urban farming, community gardens, farm to table restaurants and local non-profits that create a dynamic local food movement in our community. This exhibit is co-curated by Katrina M. Daniels and Emma Foley.

The opening reception welcomes the community with a meeting of music and local food. Musician Chelsea Koziatek accompanied by a group of musicians will play music live while dishes created by a chef from Soup Spoon based on the music are served. Artist and actor Katie Doyle will describe the food and the music as it is served.

Poster Design: Emma Foley
Poster Design: Emma Foley